Frequently Asked Questions


01. What is SmartMonie?

SmartMonie is the leading e-commerce organization enabled with personal finance solutions being implemented by SmartMonie Cooperative (DAO) Limited. We are available Online and Off-line across several regions, to members of SmartMonie after registering a free account.

02. What Services Do You Offer?

We make it easy for you and everyone else to access and afford best in quality products locally and internationally while you experience financial growth and freedom at the same time.

You can Invest, Sell, Buy or Target-save for Products, while your portfolios accrue daily Interests and Commission from sales, paid to you in annual Dividends and Pensions.

We represent the global fight against indebtedness, as we give value to persons who seek reliable options to invest or save regularly for several target purposes.

03. What Is Smart Saving?

This allows you to save automatically from your bank account or with help from our verified Agents enabling you to safely keep money within your reach in several personalized account portfolios you may name as: Tutoring, Travel, Christmas Chicken, Rent and more., till your set date of withdrawal, which is (by default) after a 90 days period.

However, smart saving portfolios offer withdraw option for members to access funds after 30days of saving counted from a prior withdraw date. Although this forfeits any interest(s) the saving portfolio may have accrued for that period only.

04. What Is Target Saving?

This service helps you to save for personal items, business equipment, farming tools or whatever product(s) you like to pay for on instalment, because a one-time purchase may either put you in debt or liquidate your bank account. So, we offer our e-commerce stores to rated brands only, selling thousands of high-quality items posted by several sellers who operate physically verified store(s) and warehouses.

This means that you can now target save for your (grade one) Samsung Tv, LG deep freezers, Gucci bags, Mikano generator, Solar equipment, Caterpillar earth movers, Adidas designer, Luxury furniture, watches & goods, Direct farm produce, supply of Petro-chemical products, your favorite Human hair, etc.

This is meant to encourage a deep saving culture which has evaded us. Leaving behind, unsecured credit options.

05. What Is Store Ownership?

Also-Known-As Virtual Store Ownership - is a secure investment solution offered to Members.

Your Investment in Virtual Stores, offers you a SmartMonie Club Membership Status and also empower Vendor’s to; manage several categories of product for free, in other to sell on smartmonie ecommerce.

You get annual returns on investment; 35% dividend and 15% pension, which forms the 50% commission split of what vendors pay for selling.

06. Aside From Target Purchase Saving, Can I Buy On-The-Go?

Yes of course, you can always buy anytime and have the product delivered on your terms.

07. Why Join SmartMonie?

We offer sustainable e-commerce saving and investment solutions that enable you to grow your money with plans that are attractive, secure and profiting.

08. What Are the Benefits for Joining SmartMonie?

● Earn a 50% split of sales revenue on investing with us yearly.
● Get 25% share of sales commission continuously when your referrals buy
● Get regular education and information to update your financial literacy and freedom.
● Connect with a like mind community where everyone is a portfolio builder
● Trustless e-commerce cooperative that cuts across race and region

09. How Are You Able to Offer Higher Returns Than Similar Institutions?

We are a decentralized organization deploying solutions with community in mind. This type of business puts Members first before directors. It doesn’t require high running cost like others do.
The overall profit and cost savings are passed down to you in form of higher returns.

10. What Type of Debit Cards Are Accepted?

We accept all Visa and Master powered debit cards.

11. Do You Offer Loans?

Yes, we offer cooperative loans to members. Our loan payout allows up to three times (3x) your existing portfolio size. We are partnered with local and international relevant bodies and government agencies who use our platform for grant related activities.

12. How Do I Access Loans?

Firstly, you have to become a SmartMonie Club Member; whom are Virtual Store Owners Secondly, you need an active Smart Saving (Account) Portfolio. Which holds 30% of your loan request.

Lastly, you need witnesses / friends and family who may or may not be club members of smartmonie but have an active Smart Saving Account.

13. How Do I Join SmartMonie Club?

After you register a free account. SmartMonie Club offers four Membership status; with a specified number of virtual store(s).
1. Seed Club; …One Virtual Store
2. Vertical Club; …Ten Virtual Stores
3. Gold Club; …One Hundred Virtual Stores
4. B.O.T Club; …One Thousand Virtual Stores

One Virtual Store is currently listed at N25,000 floor price and you can acquire multiple stores to upgrade your membership status. You can also Smart Save over a period of time to acquire one or more virtual stores Your stores will go up in price value; because there are Only 25,000 Virtual Store Units available.

14. What Benefits Does Store Ownership Offer?

Refer to FAQ No: 05 & 08

15. What’s Your Finance Management Experience?

Our management team houses investment banking executives and chartered accountants. We have business AI research analysts and legal advising practitioners, all of whom come inclusive with a knack for quality service.

16. How Long Have You Been in Business?

We have delivered offline services since 2018, before becoming a registered technology driven cooperative in July of 2021. At the moment we have recorded two-thousand-plus active member accounts.

17. How Do I Start

1. Visit
2. Register a free account with your legal names, regular mobile number and email
3. Add a Smart Saving or Investment (Portfolio) Account.
4. Subsequently update your profile.

You can activate your Virtual Account Number, to receive direct wallet payments from Customers, Friends, Colleagues and more. This allows for regular savings from your Wallet to any portfolio Account you create.

18. How Much Can I Start With?

You can start with funding your investment portfolio N25,000 to acquire a Virtual Store.

19. How Frequently Can I Save?

You can automate your portfolio(s) for Daily, Weekly or Monthly savings. You can review these settings anytime to suit your cash flow. We only ensure that money is saved automatically from your wallet or atm-card in line with your settings.

You can also create and re-name any smart saving account as you wish, to achieve your several saving goals like; wedding, vacation, retirement, tuition, medical bills, children plan etc.

20. How Can I Monitor My Savings?

You can see and monitor the transaction log of every saving portfolio you create. When our Agents go out daily to mobilize Sales and Savings, Customers who pay in cash get instant credit SMS alerts. This totally nullifies any related trust issues.

Our official WhatsApp is open 24/7 to address any issues or concerns with errors and settlements

21. How Much Interest Do You Offer?

You get a standard 10% on smart saving portfolios and up to 50% per annum on investment portfolios.

Any portfolio you create will yield interest except for target saving which is exempted from accruing interests because target saving means that an item is sold and waiting for you to complete scheduled payments.

22. What happens if I omit regular savings and investment deposit obligations?

We do not oblige you to fulfill your saving and investment goals, because they represent your voluntary contributions. Portfolios are designed to help you meet your set goals.

However, target saving is an open transaction (Deal) between you and the seller stating that you will pay on installment and your choice item is secured for you and away from potential buyers for a period known as Hold Time. If by chance your Hold Time runs out, notifications are sent for several days before the portfolio incurs a charge

23. How Much Charges Can I Incur?

The following are Statutory fees or charges that may occur in your account.

a. SMS alerts charges accrue and debits every 30 days. At 5.00 NGN per SMS delivered.
b. Failed Payment Charge (FPC) 10% of a loan interest charge due for that period only, may debit from wallet balance.
c. A target save deal may incur 10% charge on its saved balance, when you Close Deal before hold time (number of days) run out, or before your payment is complete.
If Hold Timer runs out and nothing is done after 5 days of Payment Overdue email reminders., 10% is charged on your saved sum and compensated to seller while 90% paid out to your wallet.

24. How Secure Is My Information?

SmartMonie is built with a high level of security in mind. User data is encrypted and securely stored. A reliable PCI-DSS compliant processor handles Debit card payments, while our Mother Commercial Bank handles your wallet Virtual Deposit Account Number and related information.

25. How Safe Is My Money?

1. Your saving is borrowed to SmartMonie Club Members only.
2. Your investment in Virtual Stores, funds our liquidity holds, develops sustainable ecommerce solutions and strengthen the organization.

When And How Can I Make Withdrawals?

● Firstly, before withdrawal is made. You need to be KYC Compliant. i.e... update your profile.
● At the end of a dated saving period registered by you, your portfolio automatically cancels-out, and posts saved funds with accrued interest over to your SmartMonie Holding Wallet from where you can Cash Out to your Bank Account(s).
● Esusu withdrawal option is available for Smart Saving Portfolios once in every 30days of saving with no interest added.
● You can sell your Virtual Stores anytime at the prevailing secondary market price; on or withdraw your invested deposit at the end of a fiscal year ...if close your stores.


If you have others question, kindly contact us or send us a mail at [email protected]